Description | Date |
Taxable status date & exemption filing deadline | 03/01/24 |
Tentative tax roll published (see assessor’s website) | 05/01/24 |
Grievance day is conventionally 4th Tuesday in May | 05/28/24* *tentative date, please verify with Hancock Town Assessor |
Final tax roll published | 07/01/24 |
Deadline for judicial review: SCAR and tax certiorari proceedings must be initiated within 30 days of the filing of the final assessment roll or notice of such filing, whichever is later. | Before 08/30/24 |
Tax lien date See tax payment instructions, deadlines and penalties here. | 01/01/25 |
Dates on Official Hancock Town Website
Dates on MuniPro
This link launches the Delaware County MuniPro (New York State ORPTS Municipal Profile viewer).
To view the assessment roll and fiscal year dates for the Town of Hancock, select “Town of Hancock“ from the list of towns and village at the bottom of the page. Then, click “Assessment Roll Dates” from the menu items on the left column.
The Tax Cycle
Explains important events in the annual real property assessment tax cycle.