Information for New and Prospective Homebuyers

Still Searching for your new home?

Here are some tools and resources that may be handy for property and market research.


SalesWeb is an application used to query or download information about real property transfers recorded in New York State. It provides ten years of property sale information, and can be used as a tool to review the sales prices of comparable properties.

Delaware County C.O.M.I.T

The Delaware County Parcel Viewer is a Geographic Information System (GIS). A GIS combines geographic data about a community, including tax parcels, water features, and aerial photographs, with tools to visualize, query, and map these features.

Delaware County Public Records Search Portal

Delaware County public records, such as deeds, maps, liens and mortgages, can be accessed through this search portal. For a full list of available records, click “What records are available online?” on the main page.

Anyone can search records as a guest, free of charge, however, an account is necessary to download and/or print records.

Just purchased a new home?

Taxes at Closing

When you buy your new home, there are three New York State taxes and fees that will generally be collected at the closing:

Next Steps

Congratulations and welcome to the community! As a homeowner, you should become familiar with your property’s assessment, important tax dates, and learn more about the property tax exemption and credits you might be eligible for.

Hancock Local Resources

  • Visit the Town of Hancock website for the directory of town officials and links to local resources
  • Download the Town of Hancock mobile app ( Apple | Android ) to stay in the loop about local happenings and announcements
  • Check out the local newspaper, the Hancock Herald


Guide: Instructions to Download Form RP-5217-PDF, Real Property Transfer Report

SalesWeb is an application used to query or download information about real property transfers recorded in New York State. It provides ten years of property sale information, and can be used as a tool to review the sales prices of comparable properties.

Still Searching for your new home? Here are some tools and resources that may be handy for property and market research. SalesWeb SalesWeb is an application used to query or download information about real property transfers recorded in New York State. It provides ten years of property sale information, and can be used as…

The information on this site is intended for homeowners of the Town of Hancock, New York.